Excellent post. One thing I will add is that often we are impatient to see the results, and when we don’t see what we expect, we consider it to be a failure. Sometimes it takes a while for results to appear, one way or another. So don’t rule it out as a failure too soon.
Agreed. If we want to learn something from our experiments - and determine what they can teach us - we need to have the patience to actually gather enough data. The experiment may be a success after all!
Excellent post. One thing I will add is that often we are impatient to see the results, and when we don’t see what we expect, we consider it to be a failure. Sometimes it takes a while for results to appear, one way or another. So don’t rule it out as a failure too soon.
Agreed. If we want to learn something from our experiments - and determine what they can teach us - we need to have the patience to actually gather enough data. The experiment may be a success after all!