“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” -Albert Einstein
Ever feel like a fish in a tree?
Actually, this is why step 3 in the Find Your Wedge framework exists. Step 3 is a thinking step.
In other words, here’s where you revisit that Starting Point Sentence you wrote in Step 1, put it together with what you found out about your Inspo-Competitors in Step 2, and start thinking about how you might do things (even slightly, we’re not reinventing any wheels here) differently.
This difference is based on your own experiences and expertise. It’s based on things you see as missing, questions still unanswered, and problems in the market still unsolved.
Yes, there are a lot of cool people doing a lot of cool things…some of which you envy and ‘kick yourself’ about wishing you could do it, too.
But, you are cool, too.
No need to be a fish climbing a tree.
This is easier said than done. I am guilty – at times - of trying to be a fish climbing a tree. I mean, it looks so easy when others are climbing that tree, right?
Honestly, this step can take the most time of the 4. It’s that step where you are digging a bit deeper, revisiting your sources, and using the eraser on your pencil…a lot! All good.
So, step back in to Step 3. Give yourself a little space to think, and start outlining your own Wedge.
I’d love to know how you’re doing with your Steps! Got a specific question? Reach out!
Stay tuned,